Thursday, August 30, 2007

Veiws on Calling and God's Will

... A continued coversation from JD Greear's Blog, Entry entitled "How Do You Know What You are 'Called' to as a Christian?"

I agree wholeheartedly with JD & yucko. This issue is very pervasive in college. Kids are asking all the time the question "what has God called me to?" There are constant fears of falling in line with "the one life trajectory that God has for us." The more I think about it, the more that statement puts God in box, saying that basically we can so easily mess up God's Will.

An analogy we encourage those making major life decisions is instead of asking, "What does God have for me to do," ask, "What is God already doing in the world, and how has he gifted me to be a part of it." We need to take the focus off ourselves and see our role in line with the big picture: It's all about knowing God and making Him known. We give the challenge as JD does. There are pockets of people who don't have access to the gospel (10,000 unreached people groups). We know God has said that he will redeem "panta ta ethne" (all the families/people groups of the world.) Why not be involved there?

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Spiritual Warfare: Illness

I recently had a friend return from a two week mission trip in Central Asia. When she got back, she felt severely ill, so went to the emergency room. The doctors (and all of us) wanted to check for severe Central Asia diseases, you know the "interesting" cases. Our friend commented she felt like she was on House, or Gray's Anatomy with many specialists coming to see her. The final diagnosis: viral meningitis. Probable scenario: someone on their team carried a gastrointestinal virus with them to Central Asia. Nine of the 14 team members were sick on the trip. What seems to have happened is on the final days when most were feeling better, the virus went to her head, causing the meningitis.

Ironically, most people fear going dangerous places for their safety, but sometimes God may show us how vulnerable we are, no matter what the location. I have found the most safe place to be is where God has called you, not necessarily the easiest place to live. Its like the shirts from Adventure places, "You can die sky-diving, falling in the air hundreds of miles per hour or you can fall off your couch." How true. We can't be afraid of life in Christ, if we are His, we are in His hands.

I was thinking earlier as we were in her house with 10-15 other people. This team went over there to share the kind of love she is experiencing with the people of Central Asia. If this had happen to a person over there, there would not be this out-pouring of love and support. Praise God we have an opportunity to know Him and his body the church, and I pray this situation doesn't scare some people into not want to go (she contracted the initial virus here in the states), but urges them to go all the more, to deliver this kind of grace and love to those with no access to this Gospel. Praise and Glory be to His Name in all the Earth.

May situations like this show us God is in control. We need to follow after Him and let Him take care of the circumstances. Now I am not saying to jump in the deep end of the pool if you can't swim, or to see how long you can lay in the snow naked. But, while there are destinations with more risk, God uses situations for His glory. The safest place we can be is where he calls us.

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